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    Prepping Your Home for Sale Part II: How to Stage Your Home Like a Pro

    Prepping Your Home for Sale Part II: How to Stage Your Home Like a Pro

    November 6, 2017

    You probably already know that staged homes often sell for more money and faster than those homes that aren’t as well-presented. But working with a professional home stager can be expensive. Check out these ten easy things you can do on a budget to make your home look like it ...

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    Seven Secrets to Real Estate Blogs that Get Results

    Seven Secrets to Real Estate Blogs that Get Results

    September 29, 2017

    In our last post, we examined the many ways that blogging can benefit the real estate community. So perhaps you’ve decided to start blogging with the goal of increasing your business. But how do you know if you’re doing it right and not just wasting precious time?  While blog styles ...

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    Why Every Realtor Needs to Blog

    Why Every Realtor Needs to Blog

    September 23, 2017

    Blogging may seem like just another task that demands your limited time, but done properly, it can yield some significant benefits.  In fact, a recent survey conducted by Hubspot.com revealed that companies that blog regularly receive 55% more website visitors than those that don’t. As a realtor, blogging presents you ...

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    How First-Time Homebuyers Can Leap the Down Payment Hurdle

    How First-Time Homebuyers Can Leap the Down Payment Hurdle

    August 29, 2017

    Saving for a sufficient down payment is a significant barrier for many would-be homebuyers, particularly those looking to transition from renting to owning. According to a recent Zillow Housing Aspirations Report (ZHAR), more than two-thirds of renters nationwide consider setting aside money for a down payment to be their biggest ...

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    How to Find Your Perfect Real Estate Niche

    How to Find Your Perfect Real Estate Niche

    August 10, 2017

    A recent survey conducted ted by the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® revealed that 80 percent of buyers would prefer to work with a real estate agent who’s focused on a particular type of property. Still, many agents are reluctant to position themselves as specialists for fear of limiting their earning ...

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    How to Spot—and Avoid—Moving Company Scams

    How to Spot—and Avoid—Moving Company Scams

    July 28, 2017

    The endless organizing, cleaning, packing, and other preparations that come with moving can be taxing.  Many people enlist the help of a moving company to ease that stress. But if you're among the 35 million Americans relocating this year, you should be aware that the number of complaints against moving ...

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    Selling Yourself: The Power Behind Your Personal Brand

    July 11, 2017

    In a highly competitive industry like real estate, it’s imperative that agents have a strong personal brand that stands out and sends an appealing message to clients and prospects. It’s hard to attract new customers without a positive reputation that’s supported by testimonials and referrals from your satisfied clients. And ...

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    The Pros and Cons of Downsizing Your Home

    June 22, 2017

    In the past, residential downsizing was typically reserved for empty-nesters and retirees. But in today’s economic climate, the decision to scale down is becoming more and more popular among younger homeowners. In fact, some studies indicate that the average downsizer is now just 40 years old. If you’re thinking about ...

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