It’s hard to believe it’s been 25 years since we opened the doors at Certified Title Corporation.
We’ve enjoyed many great successes and we withstood our share of challenging times, too, but we emerged stronger for it. It’s been an exciting ride and we’re focused on a bright future. Of course, we owe our success to you, our clients, vendors, partners and friends. Thank you for your confidence in us, your patronage, and your friendship.
As we celebrate our silver anniversary, it makes us a bit nostalgic.
Corporate anniversary celebrations are the perfect time to take a look back at where we started and to realize how far we’ve come. From the very beginning, the Certified family has been focused on compliance and process. It’s a totally unique way of life that sets us apart from our competitors. Our clients have come to know us as the most reliable source of legally compliant, high-end title services. And although we’ve grown to become a national organization, we’ve never forgotten our roots or the importance of adaptability and unparalleled service.
We also know how important it is to use this anniversary celebration as a time to reflect on our good fortune.
Why do some businesses endure while others fail? Lack of sound leadership? Poor business decisions? Strategic blunders? Any or all of those things can surely cause the downfall of a business. But at Certified Title, there’s something else we attribute our longevity to: gratitude. We are actively appreciative for every person, event, accomplishment, and obstacle we encounter. And while that may sound trite, there’s mounting evidence that adopting an ‘attitude of gratitude’ creates personal power and results in long-term success.
What if you could feel joy, thankfulness, and positivity each and every day? Imagine how much more rewarding life would be. Renowned self-help author Napoleon Hill’s insights into the principles of achievement have stood the test of time. In his bestseller Think & Grow Rich, Hill points to an attitude of gratitude as a key principle of success. And in the business world, no matter how big or how small an organization may be, having an attitude of gratitude towards employees and peers inspires everyone in the organization.
What’s so great about being grateful? Of course, gratitude matters because it’s the decent thing to do. But it’s also been proven to have a tremendous impact on productivity. The Harvard Business Review notes that “when employees feel valued, they have high job satisfaction, are willing to work longer hours, engage in productive relationships with co-workers and supervisors, are motivated to do their best, and work towards achieving the company’s goals.” Gratitude also plays an important role in client retention, and failure to express appreciation can have serious consequences. According to a 2017 Bloomberg poll, 68% of customers leave business relationships because of a perceived attitude of indifference on the part of the company. It’s not that the associates are actually indifferent; it’s the perception that they are. That’s why cultivating a culture of gratitude within any business is crucial to motivating employees and maintaining great client relationships. At Certified Title, gratitude permeates our values and there’s no doubt it’s been a big part of our success.
Why not incorporate gratitude into your daily procedures? Another great thing about gratitude is that anyone can do it. It’s free, it’s simple, and you can start right now. You can literally choose to start your new year off on the right foot by bringing more appreciation into your life. Within an organization, creating a culture of gratitude requires team involvement. Make it clear that gratitude is one of your company’s core values. Then, put procedures in place to practice thankfulness on a daily basis. Here are a few ideas to get started:
- In staff meetings, set aside five minutes for employees to recognize colleagues who went above and beyond.
- Create a gratitude board where staff can write notes of thanks to their colleagues. This could be a simple bulletin board, a whiteboard, or even an online message board.
- Make gratitude a personal habit. Once a day, take note of three things for which you’re grateful. You can do it first thing in the morning, while you’re eating breakfast, or before you go to bed—whatever works for you. Encourage your staff to do the same.
Being grateful for the opportunities we have to build a successful business, provide support to our family and coworkers, and help those less fortunate is central to everything we do at Certified Title Corporation. It enriches and transforms our lives, as well as those with whom we work. So as we kick off 2019 and celebrate an amazing 25 years in business, we pause to say thank you for making it all possible. Here’s to a year filled with joy, new opportunities and plenty of gratitude! If we can help to make your 2019 better in any way, we hope you’ll reach out to us.
About Certified Title Corporation: Since 1994, attorney-owned Certified Title Corporation has been furnishing residential and commercial real estate stakeholders across the nation with robust title insurance, settlement, and escrow services. Renowned for their industry-leading reliability and exemplary level of service and quality, the Maryland-based company helps clients from all walks of life achieve their asset goals. To learn more, call (888)486-5511 or visit